Predictive Maintenance System for beverage packaging machines (with SMIGROUP)

SMIGroup, world leader of packaging machines for beverages, along with the University of Bergamo, started together an ambitious research project that will involve different research group of our university. One the aims is the application of Health Monitoring algorithms inside a Predictive Maintenance system for SMIGroup machines (Figure 2 – Figure 4). The CAL is involved in studying and developing this kind of system. The project is articulated in the following phases (Figure 1):

  • Find the best additional sensors (vibration, temperature, …) to instrument the machine for the health monitoring
  • Select a data acquisition system in order to characterize the healthy state of the selected machine
  • Define an optional tool for supporting the machine controller
  • Develop the health monitoring algorithms using data from the sensors
Figure 1: The general architecture of the project.


Figure 2: Production system.


Figure 3: A particular of the belt that brings the raw plastic inside the machine for the blowing phase.


Figure 4: An example of SMIGroup machine.