INTERNET OF BEAUTY – Smart and safe appliances for smart living

2017-2019 INTERNET OF BEAUTY – Smart and safe appliances for smart living
Funded by Regione Lombardia
4 partners, total budget 1.125.000 Eur, 18 months (November 2017-May 2019)

The leading partner of this project is a transnational company leader in the production of small appliances, in particular for hair care. So, the main goal of this project is to design smart hair-dryers and hair straighteners endowed with additional sensors (inertial and proximity), computation capability and communication with the home automation systems. The appliances will host a IoT platform that will be able to auto-configure the device on the basis of sensor measurements and additional information about the hair features.
The CAL will design algorithms of image processing that will be able to extract the main features of the hair of the current user based on simple images. This information will be given to the hair-dryer for automatic configuration of the operating parameters, such as air temperature and flow. In addition, algorithms for increasing the user safety will be designed, such as fall or overheating detector.

Figure 1. Localization procedure of the hair in the cropped image.
Figure 2. Improved results for two samples.